Distance Healing
Energy healing over distance can work powerfully to release imbalanced energies and restore your inner calm on every level of your being. It works just as powerfully over distance as it does in person. Embark on a beautiful journey and stay empowered with the positive and radiant healing light of Reiki.
What does the session involve?
Once we've arranged a date and time for the distance healing session, the distance Reiki healing treatment begins with a telephone consultation for as long as required followed by the channeling of healing to you.
When emailing me to book your session, please kindly provide your mobile number and let me know if you are based in the UK or overseas.
Similar to an in-person Reiki session you may experience sensations during the healing such as tingling, heat, cold, visions, emotions arising. Please stay in the flow and allow yourself to feel and experience and let go of any forms of resistance arising from within. During the Distance healing session it would be beneficial for you to refrain from using or being near electronic devices. Please be sitting or lying down comfortably in a space where you are free of all distractions and ready to receive healing. I recommend simply focusing on your breath, meditating or have some soothing music in the background so that your body and mind are in space where they are relaxed and ready to receive healing.
The healing will last between 40-45 minutes and I will email you detailed feedback of what came through during the healing. The session costs £110.00.
Please email me directly at: shaylini@thesacredself.co.uk or via my contact page to book a distance healing treatment.
To find out more about distance healing please see a link to my article: What Is Distance Healing and Does It Really Work?
I look forward to channeling healing to you! x